Image Critique with Michelle Pennings, M.Photg, CPP

  • 26 Jul 2023
  • 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
  • Online


  • This event is for PPSDC Members at the Professional and Aspiring Members Levels.

Image Critique with Michelle Pennings, M.Photg, CPP & Cindie Wolf, CPP

A photographic image critique is a valuable tool for photographers offering a structured and constructive analysis of an image's strengths, weaknesses, and overall impact. Whether you are a new to Image Competition,  seeking to improve your skills or an experienced photographer looking for fresh perspectives, a critique can provide valuable insights and help you grow as an artist. 

Using the 12 Elements of PPA, Michelle  will provide objective feedback, technical evaluation, artistic direction and learning opportunities for you . We all get emotionally attached to our images, having the feedback come through another source is helpful so you gain knowledge about techniques, genres and concepts in photography, along with trends, styles or historical references to broaden understanding and inspire further exploration.

Michelle  received her Judging Training through the Professional Photographers of California and Professional Photographers of America. Currently, Michelle is a PPC and PPA judge.  Cindie has gone through both the PPC Judging classes (2x) and the PPA training for judging.

This event will be online. A link for viewing will be emailed to all members the evening before the event. 

You may submit up to three images, however, if there are more images than there is time, she will do her best to review two images per person for review.

Email your images to:

A link to this zoom will be emailed the day before the event.

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