General Meeting: "B.L.A.M.!! Breathtaking Luminous Artistic Masterpieces" with the legendary, Rosalind Gudered, Rosalind Guder

  • 11 Jul 2023
  • 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Elijahs Restaurant 7061 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, San Diego 92111


  • General Meetings are Complimentary to all PPSDC Members
  • General Meeting - Guests and Non Members
    There is no charge for this meeting and we are excited to meet and see you there!

Registration is closed

General Meeting: "BLAM!" Breathtaking Luminous Artistic Masterpieces - with Rosalind Guder

This month's General Meeting is a Live Demonstration of the famous B.L.A.M.!!™ Lighting with Rosalind Guder!

Come network with members and guests, have dinner (individual checks) and swap stories of what's working and isn't in the industry. 

Rosalind will talk about her journey, from start to now, winning the most prestigious awards in the industry, including 1st Place at ASP's Images of Distinction and Diamond Medalist Photographer of the Year at PPA. She was on Team USA and awarded 6th Place at the World Photographic Cup in 2021.

Come meet, watch and get your questions answered as you watch a Master at work with Lighting!

Networking starts at 5:30!

Dinner is individual checks

There is no charge for this event.

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